Acts |akts| (also Acts of the Apostles) a New Testament book immediately following the Gospels and relating the history of the early Church.


The book of Acts was written by Luke, a physician and friend of the Apostle Paul. 

Just like the gospel Luke wrote, the book of Acts was written to ALL people—to no specific people group—but to all lovers of God. I think it’s important to note that when God says “all,” He means ALL. 

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NIV) 

God’s love was displayed by Jesus, for all people, when we read the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Now, we are seeing how God established His Church, for all people, in the book of Acts. 

The Church was born in an upper room in Jerusalem when the promised Holy Spirit fell on a group of 120 Christian believers while they were gathering and praying together. When Jesus ascended into heaven, just a few chapters before in all of the gospel accounts, He instructed them, “Don’t leave Jerusalem, but wait here until you receive the gift I told you about, the gift the Father has promised. For John baptized you in water, but in a few days from now you will be baptized in the Holy Spirit!” (Acts 1:4-5 TPT)

Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would fill the believers with “power” in order to go into “all the earth” with the Good News of the gospel (Acts 1:8)!

As we read through the chapters of Acts, we know why the apostles needed the Holy Spirit’s power. They were about to face great persecution for their faith. They needed the power of the Holy Spirit in order to have the courage and strength to speak out about the truth of Jesus. Because of their faith, they experienced many miracles, healings, signs and wonders, and deliverance. 

It is because of the Holy Spirit that we have a Christian Church today. It is not by anything humans have done—but by the power of the Holy Spirit through Jesus that the kingdom of God continues to grow throughout the earth. We are simply carriers of this great message: The message of salvation for ALL people. 

The book of Acts tells so many incredible stories of how God opened the minds and hearts of people to include, rather than exclude. God used visions to inspire Peter and Paul to offer the gospel not only to Jews but Gentiles too! This was a crazy thought to the Jews at the time, who had been known as God’s chosen people. 

“God, who knows the hearts of every person, confirmed this when he gave them the Holy Spirit, just like he has given the spirit to us. So now, not one thing separates us as Jews and Gentiles, for when they believe he makes their hearts pure.” Acts 15:8-9 TPT

God is establishing His Church in the book of Acts—for all people—unified together as one body, serving only Him (Ephesians 4:3-6). Serving God is a lifestyle. We live it out by the way we choose to love others, how we pray, how we serve, our perseverance through trials, and through our faith, our joy, and our love. 

There can be so much division and disunity when it comes to different denominations and beliefs. But when we get distracted by what makes us different—the music we like, the preaching style we prefer, or even the color of our skin—we have to bring ourselves back to the basics of where the church began: the book of Acts, where God displayed His love and grace for ALL people. 

There is so much power in unity and diversity. I am so proud to be part of Equipped by Faith, where women from all cultures and backgrounds come together for one purpose: to glorify the Name of Christ through our testimonies. 

God is so good, and I am grateful for you today. I can’t wait to gather together again next month for Equipped by Faith! 



Amy Ogle