marriage |ˈmerij| noun 1 the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship: She loved marriage.

Field and I have been married for 7 incredible years. He is truly my best friend and the love of my life. I knew very soon after I met him that I wanted to marry him because of his character and faith in God. Field and I attribute the success of our marriage to our faith in God and to our commitment to daily prayer. We are not shy or ashamed to tell anyone that without God, we would not be where we are today.

Before meeting Field, I had almost given up on the idea of meeting someone and decided I would prepare myself to be the best wife I could be by reading marriage books and simply spending time with Jesus.

Now that we’re married, I can't express how important it is to find a spouse who believes in the power of prayer and in praying God’s Word over your family. Each day, Field and I spend time reading the Bible and praying on our own—but we always come together to pray over our family, business, and marriage before either one of us walks out the door.

Field and I have made an agreement to pray over every argument, frustration and major decision in our lives. We choose to cover one another in prayer and blessing by speaking the Word of God over our marriage, and I know that is why we continue to grow closer in our relationship. Our words have power—to bring life or death. When you’re married, it means you’re one. So, if you are speaking curses over your spouse, you are technically speaking the same words over yourself!

“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” Proverbs 18:21

I want to encourage you–whether you are married, single, separated, or in the “it’s complicated” category–to begin praying and speaking blessings over your current or future spouse. Our words have power! Let’s use them to build others up with life and blessing!  

A Marriage Prayer

God, thank you for my husband/wife. Thank you for our relationship. Thank you for his/her life. Thank you for his/her love for me. Thank you for every detail about him/her that makes them unique. I pray our relationship continues to grow. I pray we will become closer and closer in the years to come. Thank you for the time we get to spend together as a family. I pray we never stop helping each other grow. I pray that we would intentionally love one another and encourage each other daily. Remind us of what is of most value and importance as you direct our steps. I pray against conflict and tension in our marriage. I pray against negativity and hurtful words. I pray nothing would ever come between us. Please protect our marriage. I pray that I would learn how to listen intently to my partner’s heart and to see the feelings behind their words and the intentions behind their actions. I desire to know his/her heart on a deeper level. Help me to see my husband/wife as you do. Give us eyes only for each other and grow us in humility and intimacy with each other and with you. Help us to understand your Word and help us grow together in love and service to one another. Help us to be intentional in spending time together and reveal things that would cause distance in our relationship. Protect us from things that will divide us as we maintain closeness in our marriage–keeping you at the center. Help us to forgive each other quickly, as you have forgiven us. Help us to not hold onto bitterness, keep records of wrong, or allow the enemy any foothold in our relationship. May our delight be in you as we remain deeply rooted in your Word and in your presence. May our marriage and our family be like a tree planted by streams of living water, which yield fruit in all seasons and whose leaves do not wither. Give me the grace to help my husband/wife more, to affirm him/her more, and to support him/her more in his/her role as my husband/wife. I ask that you would show me how to pray for my husband/wife daily. I pray that we would see how you love us through the way we love each other. Give us greater intimacy, joy, and laughter than we have ever experienced before. Help us to have a greater appreciation of one another and our differences. Help me to understand his/her dreams and to see things from his/her perspective. Mold me into the best spouse, helpmate, companion, friend, and constant support for my husband/wife, in Jesus’ name, Amen!



Amy Ogle