Her Story: Oneka McClellan

her |həː, hə| pronoun 1 used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a female person: Her passion was like a fire in her soul.  


Wow. Last night was incredible! My beautiful friend and sister-in-Christ, Oneka McClellan, joined us for our January Equipped by Faith gathering—and my heart is still full from her encouraging words and passion!

If you’re from the Dallas area, you’ve probably heard of the quickly growing, creative drawing, passion-filled church called,  Shoreline City Church. Oneka and her husband, Earl, launched and have led this church for over six years, with campuses in Dallas and Antigua, Guatemala, with a desire to see individuals realize the love, value, and purpose found in Christ through the local church. And that is exactly what they are experiencing.

As a wife of twenty years and mother of three adorable children, Oneka stays pretty busy—but her passion for Sisterhood only grows with each passing year. She has used her platform to challenge the way women think about themselves and others by pioneering a “Value Revolution” that has now spanned the globe through a variety of creative initiatives. Oneka’s dynamic personality, creative vision, prophetic gift and compassion for God have propelled countless lives, marriages, teams and churches into their God-given destiny. And we got a taste of that passion last night!

I absolutely adore this woman, and if you were unable to join us, I want to encourage you to read her interview questions below and listen to the podcast here!

Q&A with Oneka McClellan


1) What do you think you were put on this earth for? Biggest dream?

I was put on this earth to ignite a value revolution in the hearts of God’s daughters.


2) What are some of the obstacles you have had to go through to get to this point?

Leaving every known comfort behind to start our church with my husband 6 years ago.


3) What motivates/inspires you?

My husband and kids and equipping and mobilizing this generation and the next to become leaders and influencers.


4) What do you want to be remembered by?

The way I loved Jesus, my husband, my kids and everyone I have the honor of meeting.


5) What advice would you give other women searching for their purpose, passion & faith?

Get planted and involved in a healthy church and surround yourself with girl bosses!


6) What has been your greatest achievement in life?

My marriage + kids + church ( all by God’s GRACE..not in my own strength )


7) How does what you do reflect what God placed on your heart to share with the world?

I have the honor of pastoring and leading a life giving church with my husband, hosting an annual women's conference, and traveling and speaking all over the country. I would have never guessed, ten years ago, that I would be doing any of these things. It's amazing how, when you are faithful with what is in your hands, that God opens doors and stretches you beyond your capacity.  


8) What books are you reading?

Besides the Bible… Stay the Path by Bobbie Houston


9) How do you stay encouraged & faith-filled?

I listen to worship music and lots of teaching podcasts.


10) Favorite scripture of the moment (or ever)? :)

All of Isaiah 61 - Plus this year, Psalm 1:3-4 “They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. But not the wicked! They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind.”

Love you all, and can't wait to see you next month at Equipped by Faith!  




Amy Ogle