Her Story: Suzy Lamb

her |həː, hə| pronoun 1 used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a female person : Her spirit is radiant. 

It was so wonderful to have my beautiful and talented friend, Suzy Lamb with us at Equipped by Faith last night along with her team from Daystar! We completely filled up every chair, with only standing room left. We are almost growing out of our small space!

Suzy is an Executive Producer, Television Host, wife, and mother from Dallas, Texas. She studied divinity at Christ For The Nations and Business at Dallas Baptist University. Suzy is married to Jonathan Lamb and they have two children, Israel and Arielle. Together, they host “The Green Room” which airs around the world on Daystar TV. 

But despite all of her accolades and accomplishments, what I love most about Suzy is her genuine heart and deep love for people. Suzy was the last one to leave Equipped by Faith last night because she spent time listening to and praying with every girl who came up to her at the end. That blessed me so much.

Thank you to all who joined us last night. For those who didn’t, stay tuned to The Green Room on Daystar TV to see clips from last night, and read through our Q&A with Suzy below! 

Q&A with Suzy Lamb

1. What do you think you were put on this earth for? What is your biggest dream? 

To show people the way to Christ through encouragement, kindness, and generosity. 

Biggest dream: to provide globally for every orphan, hungry child, and the elderly. To tell them about Jesus while caring for them.  

2. What are some of the obstacles you have had to go through to get to this point?

I was an insecure kid who was bullied for being little, so I saw myself that way. I hated to be noticed and hated being near a camera, so the career God has carved out for me is slightly comical and interesting… It has definitely made me grow. 

3. What motivates or inspires you?

In a world full of people raised with the mentality of “self preservation” nothing inspires me more than selfless people who uplift others, not themselves. 

4. What do you want to be remembered for? 

My kindness.

5. What advice would you give other women searching for their purpose, passion, & faith?

The way to find and achieve your purpose, passion, and faith is simply in being intimate and alone with God. He starts revealing great things to you and equips you to accomplish them—His way. 

6. What has been your greatest achievement in life?

When I obeyed God in choosing His plan over mine (where to go to school, whom to marry, and my job). Obedience has resulted in my current, joyful situation. 

7. How does what you do reflect what God placed on your heart to share with the world?

I interview people from all different walks of life—from powerful preachers to convicts who committed murder, from pimps who were involved in sex trafficking to mothers who have forgiven their child’s murderer. Each of them has received the SAME love, forgiveness, and grace from God—so when I get to spread of God’s unconditional love, I do it many times through their stories. 

8. What books are you reading?

Failing Forward by John Maxwell and The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. 

9. How do you stay encouraged & faith filled?

Alone time with God listening to worship music like Bethel, Jesus Culture, or Kari Jobe. I read the Bible and I always get the word I need for that day. I also listen to many podcasts and sermons on YouTube. Two of my favorite preachers are Bill Johnson and Robert Morris. 

10. Favorite scripture of the moment (or ever)?

“Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine. I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.” Psalms 16:5,8,11 

I hope you enjoyed these inspiring and powerful words from Suzy’s heart. I can’t wait to see you next month at Equipped by Faith with Hilary Kennedy! 



Amy Ogle